
I like writing. I like sitting down and getting the thoughts out of my head. However, there's a problem, what do I write about?

In a sense, this is kind of a meta post. A post about deciding what to write about. I bet that I'm not the only person with this kind of problem out there. There's a finite number of hours in the day. With work, families, and a wealth of topics to share ideas on, selecting something becomes quite a problem.

So, then, what? Well, most of my problem has been a variety of interest. I work in tech, I should write about that, right? Maybe, but if I did should it be about management? Possibly about writing code? Can I do both, or is that too much of a niche crossover?

How about outside of tech? I like finance, I'd like to share those ideas, but that's like a massive disconnect from technology. Oh, and then there's this quasi passion for productivity, getting stuff done, and all around improving ones self kind of content. Where can it all go?

It's going here. I realize that rather than just doing, I'm trying a to find the perfect thing to do. I'd love for people to read my writing, but no one ever will if I'm constantly debating whether a particular thought or idea meets my criteria for the niche I'm trying to write in.

There's a chance that somewhere down the line this website does have a niche, or perhaps I'll set up another domain to host particular content. For now, I'm not known for anything, so I might as well make the most of it and write what makes me happy and what I'm actively interested in. I'll let you know how it goes!


This need not just be a "me" thing. I bet you have had similar challenges in your life, challenges of analysis paralysis. Rather than just starting, needing to ensure all of the pieces are in place and questions are answered.

At times, this is the correct path. I'd hope that lawyers and doctors and checking and asking about all the little edge cases. For the vast majority of us though, especially when it comes to side projects, starting is the first step.

"But what if...?" What if? If things do go well, you'll have incentive to figure things out. If I write about engineering on this blog and that resonates, I'd have incentive to put more time and effort there, perhaps even move that content to a new place.

For you, it might be something different. Perhaps it's a crafting business - make things. Don't wonder if you have the right tools, or you're selling in the right place. First and foremost, make. You might find that after a few weeks you don't want to make those crafts full time. Alternatively, you might find your place and your audience.

The big learning here, and the big takeaway: start. You'll learn how to quit along the way, but for now you just have to start and stop with the endless chain of "what ifs."